The Puppeteer's Workshop

The Puppeteer's Workshop

3 - 6 mennesker60 minutterKompleks
Du har modtaget en invitation til et mystisk middagsselskab hos en ukendt vært. Tør du gå ind i Puppeteer's hus? Det er næsten midnat!
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Om escape room

Your group has received a yellowed envelope without a return address. Inside the envelope, you find this dinner invitation: My dear friends, You do not know me but I know you. I know what your dreams are. I know what your secrets are. And I know what you regret. Please do me the honor of participating in a grand soirée at my country home. The soirée will begin precisely at 11.59 p.m. I have an important announcement that I wish to share with you. The time has come. You will not regret it if you join my soirée. But you might regret it if you do not. Faithfully yours, The Puppeteer. Your curiosity is piqued. Do you dare to visit this stranger in a house far outside of town? Do you dare not to? You decide to go and now you're here at the threshold to the Puppeteer’s house. It's almost midnight!


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