Trapped in the Amazon

Trapped in the Amazon

3 - 6 mennesker60 minutterGennemsnitlig
Du er udvalgt til en ekspedition til Amazonas. Du er tæt på at finde Flora Fantastica, men også tæt på hovedjægerne - Jivaro-indianerne. Du har 60 minutter til at finde en modgift. Ellers ender du som en formindsket hoved i chefens samling.
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DanskSpillets sprog
Om escape room

You have been selected for an important expedition to the Amazon. As part of a group of research scientists from the Institute of Biology, your mission is to find and bring home a legendary flower. Now, you are closer to finding the Flora Fantastica than any other biologist has ever been. Unfortunately, you are also close to the Jivaro Indians – also known as the head-hunters. You are now captives in their camp. None of you heard when the Jivaros fired their silent shots with blowguns. Now, you have been infected with poison from the golden poison frog, Phyllobates terribilis. You have 60 minutes to find the antidote. If you do not find it, you will suffer a slow and painful death after which you will end up as shrunken heads in the chief's collection.


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